Manual Pages By Section

Section 1: Commands

Commands which can be executed from the console, such as vol and cifs.

[  Section 1  |  Section 4  |  Section 5  |  Section 8  |  Complete Index  ]

acpadmin Commands for managing Alternate Control Path Administrator.
aggr commands for managing aggregates, displaying aggregate status, and copying aggregates
arp address resolution display and control
backup manages backups
bmc commmands for use with a Baseboard Management Controller (BMC)
bootfs boot file system accessor command (ADVANCED)
cdpd view the neighbors of the storage controller that are discovered using Cisco Discovery Protocol(CDP) v1 and associated statistics
cf controls the takeover and giveback operations of the filers in a cluster
charmap command for managing per-volume character maps
cifs summary of cifs commands
cifs_access modify share-level access control or Windows machine account access
cifs_adupdate update the filer's account information on the Active Directory server
cifs_audit Configure CIFS auditing.
cifs_broadcast display a message on user workstations
cifs_changefilerpwd schedules a domain password change for the filer
cifs_comment display or change CIFS server description
cifs_domaininfo display domain type information
cifs_help display help for CIFS-specific commands
cifs_homedir Manage CIFS home directory paths.
cifs_lookup translate name into SID or vice versa
cifs_nbalias Manage CIFS NetBIOS aliases.
cifs_prefdc configure and display CIFS preferred Domain Controller information
cifs_resetdc reset CIFS connection to Domain Controller
cifs_restart restart CIFS service
cifs_sessions information on current CIFS activity
cifs_setup configure CIFS service
cifs_shares configure and display CIFS shares information
cifs_sidcache clears the CIFS SID-to-name map cache
cifs_stat print CIFS operating statistics
cifs_terminate terminate CIFS service
cifs_testdc test the Filer's connection to Windows NT domain controllers
cifs_top display CIFS clients based on activity
clone Manages file and sub-file cloning
config command for configuration management
date display or set date and time
dd copy blocks of data
df display free disk space
disk RAID disk configuration control commands
disk_fw_update update disk firmware
disktest Disk Test Environment
dlm Administer Dynamically Loadable Modules
dns display DNS information and control DNS subsystem
download install new version of Data ONTAP
dump file system backup
echo display command line arguments
ems Invoke commands to the ONTAP Event Management System
enable DEPRECATED, use na_license(1) instead
environ DEPRECATED, please use the na_environment(1) command instead.
environment display information about the filer's physical environment
exportfs exports or unexports a file system path, making it available or unavailable, respectively, for mounting by NFS clients.
fcadmin Commands for managing Fibre Channel adapters.
fcdiag Diagnostic to assist in determining source of loop instability
fcp Commands for managing Fibre Channel target adapters and the FCP target protocol.
fcstat Fibre Channel stats functions
fctest test Fibre Channel environment
file manage individual files
filestats collect file usage statistics
flexcache commands for administering FlexCache volumes
floppyboot describes the menu choices at the floppy boot prompt
fpolicy configure file policies
fsecurity Summary of fsecurity commands
fsecurity_apply Creates a security job based on a definition file and applies it to the file system.
fsecurity_cancel Cancels outstanding fsecurity jobs
fsecurity_help Displays a description and usage information for fsecurity commands
fsecurity_remove-guard Removes the Storage-Level Access Guard from a volume or qtree
fsecurity_show Displays the security settings on files and directories
fsecurity_status Displays the status of outstanding fsecurity jobs
ftp display FTP statistics
ftpd file transfer protocol daemon
halt stop the filer
help print summary of commands and help strings
hostname set or display filer name
httpstat display HTTP statistics
ifconfig configure network interface parameters
ifinfo display driver-level statistics for network interfaces
ifstat display device-level statistics for network interfaces
igroup Commands for managing initiator groups
ipsec manipulates the ipsec SP/SA/certificate Databases and displays ipsec statistics
ipspace ipspace operations
iscsi manage iSCSI service
iswt manage the iSCSI software target (ISWT) driver
keymgr key and certificate management
license license Data ONTAP services
lock manage lock records
logger record message in system logs
logout allows a user to terminate a telnet session.
lun Commands for managing luns
man locate and display reference manual pages
maxfiles increase the number of files the volume can hold
memerr print memory errors
mt magnetic tape positioning and control
nbtstat displays information about the NetBIOS over TCP connection
ndmpcopy transfers directory trees between filers using NDMP
ndmpd manages NDMP service
ndp control/diagnose IPv6 neighbor discovery protocol
netdiag perform network diagnostics
netstat show network status
nfs manage Network File System service
nfsstat display NFS statistics
nis display NIS information
options display or set filer options
orouted old network routing daemon
partner access the data on the partner in takeover mode
passwd modify the system administrative user's password
ping send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
ping6 send ICMPv6 ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
pktt controls on-filer packet tracing
portset Commands for managing portsets
priority commands for managing priority resources.
priv control per-connection privilege settings
qtree create and manage qtrees
quota control filer disk quotas
rdate set system date from a remote host
rdfile read a WAFL file
reallocate command managing reallocation of files, LUNs, volumes and aggregates
reboot stop and then restart the filer
restore file system restore
rlm commmands for use with a Remote LAN Module (RLM)
rmc commmands for use with a remote management controller
route manually manipulate the routing table
routed network RIP and router discovery routing daemon
rshstat prints the information about active rsh sessions.
rtsold router solicitation daemon
san Glossary for NetApp specific SAN terms
sasadmin Commands for managing Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) adapters.
sasstat Commands for managing Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) adapters.
savecore save a core dump
sectrace manages permission tracing filters
secureadmin command for secure administration of the appliance.
setup update filer configuration
sftp display SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) statistics.
shelfchk verify the communication of environmental information between disk shelves and the filer
sis Advanced Single Instance Storage (SIS) management.
snap manage snapshots
snaplock compliance related operations.
snapmirror volume, and qtree mirroring
snapvault disk-based data protection
snmp set and query SNMP agent variables
software Command for install/upgrade of Data ONTAP
source read and execute a file of filer commands
stats command for collecting and viewing statistical information
storage Commands for managing the disks and SCSI and Fibre Channel adapters in the storage subsystem.
sysconfig display filer configuration information
sysstat report filer performance statistics
timezone set and obtain the local timezone
traceroute print the route packets take to network host
traceroute6 print the route IPv6 packets take to a network node
ups controls the monitoring of UPS' (Uninterruptable Power Supply'(s))
uptime show how long system has been up
useradmin Administer filer access controls
version display Data ONTAP version
vfiler vfiler operations
vif manage virtual network interface configuration
vlan manage VLAN interface configuration
vol commands for managing volumes, displaying volume status, and copying volumes
vscan control virus scanning for files on the filer
wcc manage WAFL credential cache
wrfile write a WAFL file
ypcat print values from a NIS database
ypgroup display the group file entries cached locally from the NIS server if NIS is enabled
ypmatch print matching values from a NIS database
ypwhich display the NIS server if NIS is enabled

Section 4: Special Files

Using device files such as tape.

[  Section 1  |  Section 4  |  Section 5  |  Section 8  |  Complete Index  ]

tape information on the tape interface

Section 5: File Formats and Conventions

Formats for human-readable configuration files, such as those found in /etc on the root volume.

[  Section 1  |  Section 4  |  Section 5  |  Section 8  |  Complete Index  ]

auditlog contains an audit record of recent administrative activity
backuplog captures significant events during file system backup/recovery activities.
boot directory of Data ONTAP executables
cifs_homedir.cfg configuration file for CIFS home directories
cifs_nbalias.cfg configuration file for CIFS NetBIOS aliases
clone Log of clone activities
cloned_tapes list of nonqualified tape drives attached to the filer
crash directory of system core files
dgateways default gateways list
dumpdates data base of file system dump times
exports directories and files exported to NFS clients
fsecurity Definition file for an fsecurity job
ftpusers file listing users to be disallowed ftp login privileges
group group file
hosts host name data base
hosts.equiv list of hosts and users with rsh permission
httpd.access authentication controls for HTTP access names of HTTP access groups and their members
httpd.hostprefixes configuration of HTTP root directories for virtual hosts
httpd.log Log of HTTP
httpd.mimetypes map of file suffixes to MIME ContentType
httpd.passwd file of passwords required for HTTP access
httpd.translations URL translations to be applied to incoming HTTP requests
messages record of recent console messages
ndmpdlog The ndmpdlog provides a detailed description of the activities of all active NDMP sessions.
netgroup network groups data base
networks network name data base
nsswitch.conf configuration file for name service switch
nvfail_rename Internet services
passwd password file
psk.txt pre-shared authentication key file
qual_devices table of qualified disk and tape devices
quotas quota description file
rc system initialization command script
registry registry database
resolv.conf configuration file for domain name system resolver
rmtab remote mounted file system table
serialnum system serial number file
services Internet services
shadow shadow password file
sis Log of Advanced Single Instance Storage (SIS) activities
sm network status monitor directory
snapmirror Log of SnapMirror Activity
snapmirror.allow list of allowed destination filers
snapmirror.conf volume and qtree replication schedules and configurations
stats_preset stats preset file format
symlink.translations Symbolic link translations to be applied to CIFS path lookups
syslog.conf syslogd configuration file
tape_config directory of tape drive configuration files
treecompare Log of treecompare activities
usermap.cfg mappings between UNIX and Windows NT accounts and users
zoneinfo time zone information files

Section 8: System Management and Services

Protocols and service daemons, such as rshd and snmpd, and system management tools, such as autosupport and syslogd.

[  Section 1  |  Section 4  |  Section 5  |  Section 8  |  Complete Index  ]

autosupport notification daemon
cifs Common Internet File System (CIFS) Protocol
cli Data ONTAP command language interperter (CLI)
dns Domain Name System
http HyperText Transfer Protocol
nfs Network File System (NFS) Protocol
nis NIS client service
pcnfsd (PC)NFS authentication request server
protocolaccess Describes protocol access control
rmt remote magtape protocol module
rquotad remote quota server
rshd remote shell daemon
snmpd snmp agent daemon
syslogd log system messages

Man Page Complete Index

[  Section 1  |  Section 4  |  Section 5  |  Section 8  |  Complete Index  ]

acpadmin (1) Commands for managing Alternate Control Path Administrator.
aggr (1) commands for managing aggregates, displaying aggregate status, and copying aggregates
arp (1) address resolution display and control
auditlog (5) contains an audit record of recent administrative activity
autosupport (8) notification daemon
backup (1) manages backups
backuplog (5) captures significant events during file system backup/recovery activities.
bmc (1) commmands for use with a Baseboard Management Controller (BMC)
boot (5) directory of Data ONTAP executables
bootfs (1) boot file system accessor command (ADVANCED)
cdpd (1) view the neighbors of the storage controller that are discovered using Cisco Discovery Protocol(CDP) v1 and associated statistics
cf (1) controls the takeover and giveback operations of the filers in a cluster
charmap (1) command for managing per-volume character maps
cifs (1) summary of cifs commands
cifs (8) Common Internet File System (CIFS) Protocol
cifs_access (1) modify share-level access control or Windows machine account access
cifs_adupdate (1) update the filer's account information on the Active Directory server
cifs_audit (1) Configure CIFS auditing.
cifs_broadcast (1) display a message on user workstations
cifs_changefilerpwd (1) schedules a domain password change for the filer
cifs_comment (1) display or change CIFS server description
cifs_domaininfo (1) display domain type information
cifs_help (1) display help for CIFS-specific commands
cifs_homedir (1) Manage CIFS home directory paths.
cifs_homedir.cfg (5) configuration file for CIFS home directories
cifs_lookup (1) translate name into SID or vice versa
cifs_nbalias (1) Manage CIFS NetBIOS aliases.
cifs_nbalias.cfg (5) configuration file for CIFS NetBIOS aliases
cifs_prefdc (1) configure and display CIFS preferred Domain Controller information
cifs_resetdc (1) reset CIFS connection to Domain Controller
cifs_restart (1) restart CIFS service
cifs_sessions (1) information on current CIFS activity
cifs_setup (1) configure CIFS service
cifs_shares (1) configure and display CIFS shares information
cifs_sidcache (1) clears the CIFS SID-to-name map cache
cifs_stat (1) print CIFS operating statistics
cifs_terminate (1) terminate CIFS service
cifs_testdc (1) test the Filer's connection to Windows NT domain controllers
cifs_top (1) display CIFS clients based on activity
cli (8) Data ONTAP command language interperter (CLI)
clone (1) Manages file and sub-file cloning
clone (5) Log of clone activities
cloned_tapes (5) list of nonqualified tape drives attached to the filer
config (1) command for configuration management
crash (5) directory of system core files
date (1) display or set date and time
dd (1) copy blocks of data
df (1) display free disk space
dgateways (5) default gateways list
disk (1) RAID disk configuration control commands
disk_fw_update (1) update disk firmware
disktest (1) Disk Test Environment
dlm (1) Administer Dynamically Loadable Modules
dns (1) display DNS information and control DNS subsystem
dns (8) Domain Name System
download (1) install new version of Data ONTAP
dump (1) file system backup
dumpdates (5) data base of file system dump times
echo (1) display command line arguments
ems (1) Invoke commands to the ONTAP Event Management System
enable (1) DEPRECATED, use na_license(1) instead
environ (1) DEPRECATED, please use the na_environment(1) command instead.
environment (1) display information about the filer's physical environment
exportfs (1) exports or unexports a file system path, making it available or unavailable, respectively, for mounting by NFS clients.
exports (5) directories and files exported to NFS clients
fcadmin (1) Commands for managing Fibre Channel adapters.
fcdiag (1) Diagnostic to assist in determining source of loop instability
fcp (1) Commands for managing Fibre Channel target adapters and the FCP target protocol.
fcstat (1) Fibre Channel stats functions
fctest (1) test Fibre Channel environment
file (1) manage individual files
filestats (1) collect file usage statistics
flexcache (1) commands for administering FlexCache volumes
floppyboot (1) describes the menu choices at the floppy boot prompt
fpolicy (1) configure file policies
fsecurity (1) Summary of fsecurity commands
fsecurity (5) Definition file for an fsecurity job
fsecurity_apply (1) Creates a security job based on a definition file and applies it to the file system.
fsecurity_cancel (1) Cancels outstanding fsecurity jobs
fsecurity_help (1) Displays a description and usage information for fsecurity commands
fsecurity_remove-guard (1) Removes the Storage-Level Access Guard from a volume or qtree
fsecurity_show (1) Displays the security settings on files and directories
fsecurity_status (1) Displays the status of outstanding fsecurity jobs
ftp (1) display FTP statistics
ftpd (1) file transfer protocol daemon
ftpusers (5) file listing users to be disallowed ftp login privileges
group (5) group file
halt (1) stop the filer
help (1) print summary of commands and help strings
hostname (1) set or display filer name
hosts (5) host name data base
hosts.equiv (5) list of hosts and users with rsh permission
http (8) HyperText Transfer Protocol
httpd.access (5) authentication controls for HTTP access (5) names of HTTP access groups and their members
httpd.hostprefixes (5) configuration of HTTP root directories for virtual hosts
httpd.log (5) Log of HTTP
httpd.mimetypes (5) map of file suffixes to MIME ContentType
httpd.passwd (5) file of passwords required for HTTP access
httpd.translations (5) URL translations to be applied to incoming HTTP requests
httpstat (1) display HTTP statistics
ifconfig (1) configure network interface parameters
ifinfo (1) display driver-level statistics for network interfaces
ifstat (1) display device-level statistics for network interfaces
igroup (1) Commands for managing initiator groups
ipsec (1) manipulates the ipsec SP/SA/certificate Databases and displays ipsec statistics
ipspace (1) ipspace operations
iscsi (1) manage iSCSI service
iswt (1) manage the iSCSI software target (ISWT) driver
keymgr (1) key and certificate management
license (1) license Data ONTAP services
lock (1) manage lock records
logger (1) record message in system logs
logout (1) allows a user to terminate a telnet session.
lun (1) Commands for managing luns
man (1) locate and display reference manual pages
maxfiles (1) increase the number of files the volume can hold
memerr (1) print memory errors
messages (5) record of recent console messages
mt (1) magnetic tape positioning and control
nbtstat (1) displays information about the NetBIOS over TCP connection
ndmpcopy (1) transfers directory trees between filers using NDMP
ndmpd (1) manages NDMP service
ndmpdlog (5) The ndmpdlog provides a detailed description of the activities of all active NDMP sessions.
ndp (1) control/diagnose IPv6 neighbor discovery protocol
netdiag (1) perform network diagnostics
netgroup (5) network groups data base
netstat (1) show network status
networks (5) network name data base
nfs (1) manage Network File System service
nfs (8) Network File System (NFS) Protocol
nfsstat (1) display NFS statistics
nis (1) display NIS information
nis (8) NIS client service
nsswitch.conf (5) configuration file for name service switch
nvfail_rename (5) Internet services
options (1) display or set filer options
orouted (1) old network routing daemon
partner (1) access the data on the partner in takeover mode
passwd (1) modify the system administrative user's password
passwd (5) password file
pcnfsd (8) (PC)NFS authentication request server
ping (1) send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
ping6 (1) send ICMPv6 ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
pktt (1) controls on-filer packet tracing
portset (1) Commands for managing portsets
priority (1) commands for managing priority resources.
priv (1) control per-connection privilege settings
protocolaccess (8) Describes protocol access control
psk.txt (5) pre-shared authentication key file
qtree (1) create and manage qtrees
qual_devices (5) table of qualified disk and tape devices
quota (1) control filer disk quotas
quotas (5) quota description file
rc (5) system initialization command script
rdate (1) set system date from a remote host
rdfile (1) read a WAFL file
reallocate (1) command managing reallocation of files, LUNs, volumes and aggregates
reboot (1) stop and then restart the filer
registry (5) registry database
resolv.conf (5) configuration file for domain name system resolver
restore (1) file system restore
rlm (1) commmands for use with a Remote LAN Module (RLM)
rmc (1) commmands for use with a remote management controller
rmt (8) remote magtape protocol module
rmtab (5) remote mounted file system table
route (1) manually manipulate the routing table
routed (1) network RIP and router discovery routing daemon
rquotad (8) remote quota server
rshd (8) remote shell daemon
rshstat (1) prints the information about active rsh sessions.
rtsold (1) router solicitation daemon
san (1) Glossary for NetApp specific SAN terms
sasadmin (1) Commands for managing Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) adapters.
sasstat (1) Commands for managing Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) adapters.
savecore (1) save a core dump
sectrace (1) manages permission tracing filters
secureadmin (1) command for secure administration of the appliance.
serialnum (5) system serial number file
services (5) Internet services
setup (1) update filer configuration
sftp (1) display SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) statistics.
shadow (5) shadow password file
shelfchk (1) verify the communication of environmental information between disk shelves and the filer
sis (1) Advanced Single Instance Storage (SIS) management.
sis (5) Log of Advanced Single Instance Storage (SIS) activities
sm (5) network status monitor directory
snap (1) manage snapshots
snaplock (1) compliance related operations.
snapmirror (1) volume, and qtree mirroring
snapmirror (5) Log of SnapMirror Activity
snapmirror.allow (5) list of allowed destination filers
snapmirror.conf (5) volume and qtree replication schedules and configurations
snapvault (1) disk-based data protection
snmp (1) set and query SNMP agent variables
snmpd (8) snmp agent daemon
software (1) Command for install/upgrade of Data ONTAP
source (1) read and execute a file of filer commands
stats (1) command for collecting and viewing statistical information
stats_preset (5) stats preset file format
storage (1) Commands for managing the disks and SCSI and Fibre Channel adapters in the storage subsystem.
symlink.translations (5) Symbolic link translations to be applied to CIFS path lookups
sysconfig (1) display filer configuration information
syslog.conf (5) syslogd configuration file
syslogd (8) log system messages
sysstat (1) report filer performance statistics
tape (4) information on the tape interface
tape_config (5) directory of tape drive configuration files
timezone (1) set and obtain the local timezone
traceroute (1) print the route packets take to network host
traceroute6 (1) print the route IPv6 packets take to a network node
treecompare (5) Log of treecompare activities
ups (1) controls the monitoring of UPS' (Uninterruptable Power Supply'(s))
uptime (1) show how long system has been up
useradmin (1) Administer filer access controls
usermap.cfg (5) mappings between UNIX and Windows NT accounts and users
version (1) display Data ONTAP version
vfiler (1) vfiler operations
vif (1) manage virtual network interface configuration
vlan (1) manage VLAN interface configuration
vol (1) commands for managing volumes, displaying volume status, and copying volumes
vscan (1) control virus scanning for files on the filer
wcc (1) manage WAFL credential cache
wrfile (1) write a WAFL file
ypcat (1) print values from a NIS database
ypgroup (1) display the group file entries cached locally from the NIS server if NIS is enabled
ypmatch (1) print matching values from a NIS database
ypwhich (1) display the NIS server if NIS is enabled
zoneinfo (5) time zone information files


Production of the NetApp man pages in HTML format was made possible by RosettaMan, a program written by T.A. Phelps.