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na_clone - Manages file and sub-file cloning


clone start <src_path> <dest_path> [-n] [-l] | clone start <src_path> [dest_path] [-n] [-l] <-r <src_fbn>:<dest_fbn>:<fbn_cnt> ...> clone stop <vol_name> <ID> clone status [vol_name [ID]] clone clear <vol_name> <ID>


Clone command can be used to manage file and sub-file clone operations. Clone is space efficient copy of a file or sub-file. Cloned file or sub-file shares the data blocks with the source and does not take extra space for its own data blocks. File and sub-file cloning is based on WAFL block sharing. This technology is also used for LUN and sub-LUN cloning. This feature requires the flex_clone license enabled. See na_license(1) for more details. The clone subcommands are: start <src_path> <dese_path> [-n] [-l] | start [dest_path] [-n] [-l] <-r <src_fbn>:<dest_fbn>:<fbn_cnt> ...> Starts a clone operation. On success it returns a clone ID, which is used to see status, stop or clear a clone operation.
    src_path   : Source path in format /vol/vol_name/filename.
    dest_path  : Destination path in format /vol/vol_name/filename.
    -n         : Do not use temporary snapshot for cloning.
    -l         : Do change logging for clone blocks.
    -r         : Specify block ranges for sub-file and sub-lun cloning.
    src_fbn    : Starting fbn of the source block range.
    dest_fbn   : Starting fbn of the destination block range.
    fbn_cnt    : Number of blocks to be cloned.
stop <vol_name> <ID> Aborts the currently active clone operation in the volume.
    vol_name : volume in which clone operation is running.
    ID       : ID of the clone operation.
status [vol_name [ID]] Reports the status of running or failed clone operation for the particular ID in the specified volume. If no ID is specified, it reports status of all running and failed clone operations in the specified volume. If vol_name is also not specified, it reports status of all running and failed clone operations on the filer.
    vol_name : volume in which clone operation is running.
    ID       : ID of the clone operation.
clear <vol_name> <ID> Clears information of a failed clone operation.
    vol_name : volume in which clone operation is running.
    ID       : ID of the clone operation.


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