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na_clone - Log of clone activities




The clone log file contains a log of clone activities for the filer. The file lives in /etc/log on the root volume. Every Sunday at midnight, /etc/log/clone is moved to /etc/log/clone.0; /etc/log/clone.0 is moved to /etc/log/clone.1; and so on. The suffix can go up to 5, so the old /etc/log/clone.5 will be deleted. Clone activities are saved for a total of seven weeks. Each entry of the /etc/log/clone file is a single line containing the following space-separated fields.
  timestamp Volume:vol-name event_info
The following is a description of each field. timestamp
Displayed in ctime() format, e.g. Fri Jul 17 20:41:09 GMT 2008. Indicates the time this event was recorded. vol-name
The volume name on which clone operation is performed: event_info
The event which is being logged. These are the current event types with their operation info: Clone Start ID:<clone-id> Clone File:<clone-file> Source File:<source-file> Total Blocks:<total-blocks> Corresponds to "clone start" command. Clone End ID:<clone-id> Clone File:<clone-file> Source File:<source-file> <end-reason> Total Blocks:<totalblocks> Blocks Copied: <blocks-copied> Corresponds to clone operation has been completed successfully, unsuccessfully or stopped by user. Clone Stop ID:<clone-id> Clone File:<clone-file> Source File:<source-file> Corresponds to "clone stop" command. Clone Restart Successful/Failed ID:<clone-id> Clone File:<clone-file> Source File:<source-file> Total Blocks:<total-blocks> Corresponds to "clone restart" operation. Clone Boot <info> Corresponds to reboot and provides the information about clone boot work on the volume, whether it is completed successfully or failed with error.


A clone operation started with source file as f1 and clone file as f1_1. then the clone operation was stopped by user. The clone log file should have the following entries:
  Tue Oct 21 09:03:18 GMT 2008 Volume: vol1 [sid: 0] Clone Start ID: 1, Clone File: f1_1, Source File: f1, Total Blocks: 786432
  Tue Oct 21 09:03:24 GMT 2008 Volume: vol1 [sid: 0] Clone Stop ID: 1, Clone File: f1_1, Source File: f1
  Tue Oct 21 09:03:26 GMT 2008 Volume: vol1 [sid: 0] Clone End ID: 1, Clone File: f1_1, Source File: f1 (Clone operation aborted by user), Total Blocks: 786432,Blocks Copied: 0
  Tue Oct 21 09:11:17 GMT 2008 Volume: vol2 [sid: 0] Clone Restart Successful. ID: 2, Clone File: f2, Source File: f2_1, Total Blocks: 50


Clone log file for current week.
Clone log files for previous weeks.



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