Legal parms, with a description of each, are as follows:
Parm Description
The MIB object that is queried to determine the trap's
value. All MIB objects must be specified
in the form snmp.OID. A list of OIDs in the
Data ONTAP MIB is in the traps.dat file in the
same directory as the MIB.
Determines whether the trap should send data.
The following triggers are available:
single-edge-trigger sends data when the trap's
target MIB variable's value crosses an
a value that you specify.
double-edge-trigger enables you to have the trap
send data when an edge is crossed in
either direction (the edges can be
different for each direction.
level-trigger sends data whenever the trap's value
exceeds a certain level.
A trap's edges are the threshold values that
are compared against during evaluation to
determine whether to send data.
The default for edge-1 is the
largest integer and the default for edge-2
is 0.
Edge-triggered traps only send data when the
edges are crossed in one direction. By default,
this is up for the first edge and down for the
second edge. The direction arguments let you
change this default.
The number of seconds between evaluations of the trap.
A trap can only send data as often as it is
The amount of time in seconds until the first trap
evaluation. Setting it to a nonzero value will
prevent too many traps from being evaluated at
once (at system startup, for example). The
default is 0.
After a trap sends data, you might not want it
to be evaluated so often anymore. For example,
you might want to know within a minute of when
a file system is full, but only want to be
notified every hour that it is still full.
There are two kinds of backoff calculators:
step-backoff and exponential-backup
in addition to no-backoff.
The number of seconds to increase the
evaluation interval if you are using a step
backoff. If a trap's interval is 10 and its
backoff-step is 3590, the trap is evaluated
every 10 seconds until it sends data, and once
an hour thereafter. The default is 3600.
The value by which to multiply a trap's
evaluation interval each time it fires. If you
set the backoff calculator to exponential-
backoff and the backoff multiplier to 2, the
interval doubles each time the trap fires.
The default is 1.
If this value is greater than 0, the samples of data
obtained at the interval points (set using the
interval parameter) for a trap variable are used
to calculate the rate of change. If the calculated
value exceeds the value set for edge-1 or edge-2
parameters, the trap is fired. The default is 0.
emergency or (in descending order of severity)
alert or
critical or
error or
warning or
notification (default) or
informational or
Message associated with the trap. The message could
be a string or of the form snmp.oid. If an OID is
specified, the result of evaluating that OID is
sent. The default message is a string that shows
the OID value that triggered the trap.