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na_ndmpd - manages NDMP service


ndmpd [ on | off | status | probe [ session ] | kill [ session ] | killall | password [ username ] | debug [ level | stack | screen | file ] | version [ maxversion ] ]


The ndmpd command controls and displays information about the daemon responsible for providing Network Data Management Protocol service. ndmpd is supported on regular vfilers, as well as the physical filer named vfiler0. Use vfiler context or vfiler run to issue ndmpd commands on a specific vfiler. See na_vfiler(1) for details on how to issue commands on vfilers. The use of ndmp on vfilers requires a MultiStore license. When used on a vfiler, a few restrictions apply. The vfiler must be rooted on a volume. Ndmp source and destination paths must be on volumes exclusively owned by the vfiler. Tape devices are not supported on vfilers. Ndmp can be turned on/off on a vfiler independently. Ndmpd commands issued on a vfiler can only operate on volumes or qtrees it has exclusive ownership of. For backward compatibility, the physical filer (vfiler0) can operate on all volumes and qtrees, even if they are owned by vfilers. It is highly recommanded that all storage units (volumes and qtrees) are backed up from either vfiler0 or the hosting vfiler, not both.


One of the following options must be specified:
Enables NDMP request-handling by the daemon. Enabling/disabling NDMP persists across reboots. NDMP can only be enabled on vfilers which are rooted on volumes.
Disables NDMP request-handling by the daemon. Processing continues for requests that are already in progress. New requests are rejected. By default, NDMP service is disabled at system startup.
Displays the current state of NDMP service.
probe [ session ]
Displays diagnostic information about the specified session. If session is not specified, information about all sessions is displayed.
kill session
Signals the specified session to stop processing its current requests and move to an inactive state. This allows hung sessions to be cleared without the need for a reboot, since the off command waits until all sessions are inactive before turning off the NDMP service.
Signals all active sessions to stop processing their current requests and move to an inactive state.
password [ username ]
Displays an NDMP specific password for any existing Data ONTAP non-root user account. Starting with Data ONTAP 6.4, NDMP allows the non-root user login to NDMP server and perform the NDMP backup and NDMPCOPY operations. In the case of a non-default vfiler the command must be run in the vfiler context and will display the NDMP specific password for all accounts on the vfiler including root. At NDMP login, the server authenticates the user name and the corresponding NDMP specific password to grant access to the user. However, the root login authentication process on the default vfiler remains the same. There is no NDMP specific password for root for the default vfiler. Based on the way we create the NDMP specific password that any change to a Data ONTAP administrative user password will invalidate the associated NDMP specific password.
debug [ level ]
The debug log provides a detailed description of the activities of all active NDMP sessions. The amount of information displayed by the debug log is determined by the debug level specified by the user. Use 0 for the level to turn the debug log off. Use a nonzero value for the level to turn the debug log on. The levels supported are: 10(displays connections being made and connections being closed); 20(displays basic information regarding the actual NDMP messages such as the message types, sequence numbers, and timestamps); 30(same as level 20 plus display of message header information and detailed information about most messages); 50(same as level 30, plus display of environment variables and any exceptions issued by the server); 70(same as level 50, plus display of tape and SCSI command descriptor blocks(CDBs) sent). If a level is not specified, the current debug level and the state of the stack, screen, and file variables are displayed.
debug stack
The stack keyword toggles the inclusion of stack trace information in the debug log when exceptions are encountered in the NDMP Server code of Data Ontap. This option is off by default. It is typically used only for advanced debugging.
debug screen
The screen keyword toggles the enablement of the display of the debug log information on the filer console. This option is on by default.
debug file
The file keyword toggles the enablement of writing the debug log information to the log files. This option is on by default.
version [ maxversion ]
Displays the maximum version that NDMP currently supports when invoked without the optional maxversion. Sets the maximum version that NDMP allows when maxversion is specified. Currently supported values of maxversion are 2,3, and 4. By default, the maximum version is set to 4 at system startup. If maxversion is changed with ndmpd version maxversion, the changed value persists across reboots.


system initialization command script /etc/log/ndmpdlog.yyyymmdd
daily ndmpd log files


na_rc(5), na_ndmpdlog(5), na_vfiler(1).
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